So good to give so good to receive
So good to live so good to believe
LAOR is a renowned Medicine woman, musician, healer and speaker. Born in the US and raised in Israeli, her music is influenced by the Jewish religion, various Indigenous cultures and the vast landscape of the human psyche and our potential to heal. Her debut album Agradeço was released in 2019 and her songs are sung all over the world, clebrating healing, well being and the return to the heart.
Laor has been researching the power of the human voice for over 20 years and has shared her magic in festivals such as: Medicine (UK), Healing (Czech), Exit (Serbia), Ada (Monte Negro), Inititation and Yoga Festival (ISL) — collaborating with incredible musicians with a real passion to Inspire humans to breath, connect, pray and sing like never before.
Her journey began within the world of theatre, music and yoga which eventually lead her to embark on a life journey sailing through the oceans of consciousness in the worlds of plant medicines, sound and healing.
Laor’s encounter with the plant medicine was a life changing experience that carved the path she currently walks. She felt a profound connection to herself as well as a force beyond herself which allowed her to feel the depth of her raw emotions, traversing tears, fears, love, laughter, gratitude and everything in between. It was a homecoming and remembrance of the innate courage and freedom that arises when we embrace our fullness and connect to the heart.
Laor Oman-Naharin
Walking the path of the heart
Laor guides sacred circles, vocal-breath journeys and ceremonial concerts and inspires us to sing our true voice and heart expression in a wild, natural and new way. Her voice is a unique instrument which brings warmth, depth and celebration.
Gathering with Laor is a unique, awakening and inspiring experience that touches the depth of our souls and beings. Her ability to empower us to sing and shine is a rare gift. She is truly a leader of love, song and prayer in these unique times we live in.
She is based on the magical island of Ibiza with her family where she lives, loves and prays among the vibrant island community.
Inspirations on my path
Music & Art
Theatre school @ Seminar Hakibutzim TLV
Amit Carmeil
Harel Shachal
Carioca Freitas
Rainer Scheurenbrand
Medicine World
Carioca Freitas
Mao Tanka and the Columbian tribe
Taita Isaiyas
Taita Juan Jaiguache
Taita Lauriano
Maria Valdivia
Yawanawá and Huni Kuin
Kuauhtli Vasquez
Shadow yoga
Suzanne Faith (Bindu institute)
Lauren Lee (Bindu institute)
Magic Living
La Paloma Restaurant Ibiza
Juntos Farm Ibiza
Juntos Restaurant
Elke Scior Breath and Ayurveda
Tierra Iris Ibiza
TNM coaching
Each human on my path in the last 25 years, the beautiful communities in the U.S, Canada, Columbia, Brazil, Europe, Israel, Switzerland
My beautiful children Raphael and Miya, my biggest teachers and gifts of life.